Friday, September 28, 2012

Free Download SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Express

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express is a free, integrated environment for accessing, configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server, as well as combining a broad group of graphical tools and rich script editors that provide access to SQL Server to developers and administrators of all skill levels.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) is an integrated environment for accessing, configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server. SQL Server Management Studio Express combines a broad group of graphical tools with a number of rich script editors to provide access to SQL Server to developers and administrators of all skill levels. Developers get a familiar experience, and database administrators get a single comprehensive utility that combines easy-to-use graphical tools with rich scripting capabilities.

Requirements :
Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7
To download SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Express :

Free Download Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 21 Full Version + Patch

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.
Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.
Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download accelerator, and many others.
Password if need :
To download Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 21 Full Version + Patch

Download Patch Only

Free Download Avast Free Antivirus 7.0.1468 Beta

Avast! Free Antivirus with more than 150 millions users is one of the most popular and powerful anti-virus programs in the World today! The Home Edition is absolutely free for personal and non-commercial use, and is packed with many useful new features.

Avast! Free Antivirus is perfect for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites. But if you store sensitive data on your computer, shop or bank on-line, we recommend the comprehensive protection in avast! Internet Security.

Shop and bank online with total privacy
Avast! SafeZone opens a new (clean) desktop so that other programs don't see what's happening and it leaves no history once it's closed.

Worry-free social networking and web surfing
Our award-winning and certified antivirus engine and shields stop even previously unknown threats for peace of mind when you chat or spend time on Facebook, Twitter, or other websites.

Prevent identity theft
Our silent firewall stops hackers and other unauthorized entry attempts to your PC, to keep your data where it belongs safe and sound.

Keep your email inbox safe and clean
Internet Security's antispam feature blocks both spam and sophisticated Å“phishing attempts, to keep you from clicking Å“harmless links that really can cause damage.
 Requirements :
Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7
To Download Avast Free Antivirus 7.0.1468 Beta

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Free Download Farm Frenzy - Gone Fishing Full + Crack

Take to the sea and run an aquatic farm with Farm Frenzy - Gone Fishing!, Scarlett's biggest splash in the hit series.

After years of helping out farmers and others in distress, Scarlett is finally recognized for her great efforts. She is rewarded with her very own island farm, and though she is super excited, what can she possibly raise on something that has so very little land? Fish and other sea creatures of course!

Join Scarlett in 90 all-new underwater ranching challenges to create delicious goods. Farm with help from wonderful sea creatures including salmon, seahorses, and dolphins. Upgrade over a dozen new buildings. Make over two dozen new products. Chase bears away with sharks! It's one hilarious escapade.

To Download Farm Frenzy - Gone Fishing

Link Media fire
Part 1 Click DOWNLOAD
Part 2 Click DOWNLOAD

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Free Download Transtool v9.0.421 Full Version

Software Transtool v9.0.421 Full Version ini adalah sebuah software yang dgunakan untuk menterjemahkan kata, kalimat dan paragraph dengan sangat cepat. dan Transtools Versi terakhir ini memiliki kemampuan terjemahan jauh lebih baik daripada versi-versi sebelumnya.

Ketepatan dalam terjemahan transtool ini tidak diragukan lagi, anda bisa cek sendiri. Saya sendiri sangat puas memakai softwere ini. Dalam penjelajahan dunia maya untuk mencari dollar dari paid review software ini sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi saya.

TransTool memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :

  1. Transtool mempunyai kecerdikan untuk menerjemahkan kalimat ke kalimat, alinea ke alinea, dan bab ke bab dengan kecepatan tinggi.
  2. Transtool mampu menerjemahkan hingga kecepatan satu halaman per menit (tergantung prosessor dan memory komputer)
  3. Anda seorang penerjemah? Draft terjemahan bisa selesai dalam hitungan menit, siap untuk diedit menggunakan word processor seperti MS Word.
  4. Anda sedang mengakses Internet ataupun membaca E-books, mengalami kesulitan bahasa? Tinggal copy dan paste kemudian minta Transtool menerjemahkan untuk anda. Atau save artikel anda dalam format text files dan Transtool akan menerjemahkan semuanya untuk anda.
  5. Anda juga bisa memanfaatkan Transtool sebagai kamus super lengkap !
  6. Transtool mempunyai lebih dari 1.000.000 kata dan idiom, terdapat fasilitas memperkaya jumlah perbendaharaan tersebut.

Pengoperasian TransTool sangat mudah, bisa dipelajari sendiri melalui manual book. Secara garis besar cara menerjemahkan sbb:

- Diketik langsung di clipboard
- Copy dan paste dari dokumen atau artikel internet ke clipboard
- Dari file ke file (dari hasil pengetikan di progran MS Word atau hasil scan)

TransTool juga dapat digunakan sebagai kamus, tinggal klik tanda masuk ke layar kamus dan 'search' kata yang hendak dicari artinya. User juga dapat mengupdate kamus sendiri, sesuai dengan bidang ilmunya masing-masing (teknik, hukum, kedokteran,ekonomi dll) yang lebih spesifik. Jika semakin sering di update, TransTool akan semakin cerdas dalam menerjemahkan.

system reqruitment :

Hardware :
- Processor 486DX4 atau Pentium, 16MB RAM, HD 100 MB, Mouse, CD ROM
Sofware :
- Windows 9X, ME, NT, 2000, XP, SE
- Word Processor (Ms Word versi apapun)

To Download Transtool v9.0.421 Full Version Klik link dibawah ini

Free Download Kamus Jawa - Indonesia | Indonesia - Jawa

Kamus Jawa - Indonesia | Indonesia - Jawa adalah sebuah software untuk menterjemahkan bahasa indonesia ke bahasa jawa maupun sebaliknya dari bahas jawa ke bahasa indonesia.

Jadi software ini sangat cocok bagi temen-temen yang kepengin belajar bahasa jawa.

Di dalam database Kamus Jawa - Indonesia ini telah dimuat ratusan bahkan ribuan kosakata bahasa jawa yang sudah ada terjemahannya langsung ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Cara pakai nya pun tidak sulit, sobat cukup pilih mode translatenya Jawa - Indonesia atau Indonesia - Jawa. Kemudian sobat masukan kata yang sobat cari, dan setelah itu sobat klik cari. Maka tidak beberapa lama akan muncul translate dari kata yang sobat cari tadi.

Selain penggunaannya yang tidak membingungkan alias mudah, software ini berukuran yang bisa dikatakan sangat kecil sehingga tidak akan memakan banyak tempat di hardisk komputer sobat. Dan juga kamu ini tidak perlu di instal lagi, sobat cukup download, ekstrak dari file .rar nya kemudian klik 2x maka kamus sudah bisa digunakan. Dan satu lagi yang perlu sobat ketahui adalah kamus ini selain dibuat oleh anak negeri kita ini, kamus tersebut tidak memerlukan jaringan internet saat penggunaannya alias offline.

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi sobat, langsung di download aja ya..
Semoga bermanfaat ya sobat.

Password :
Free Download Kamus Jawa - Indonesia | Indonesia - Jawa

Free Download Kamus Hukum Jung Full Version

Jung adalah sebuah software kamus digital offline yang berisi berbagai macam istilah-istilah yang berhubungan dengan dunia hukum.
Software Jungo ini sangat cocok digunakan oleh mahasiswa atau orang - orang yang sedang kuliah / mempelajari masalah hukum.

Dengan menggunakan software Jungo ini, maka kita dimudahkan dalam memahami istilah-istilah hukum yang ada tanpa harus membawa kamus aslinya yang tebal.

Selain itu, kamus digital ini memberikan kita fasilitas update database. Jadi ketika ada istilah baru, kita menambahkannya ke dalam database nya.

Software ini sudah portable dan berukurann sekitar 22MB jadi tidak memakan banyak memory.

To download kamus hukum jung Full version

Free Download Kamus Kaijin Japanese - Indonesia Dictionary Full Version

Kaijin Japanese - Indonesia Dictionary adalah sebuah software kamus bahasa Jepang - Indonesia.

Jadi software kamus Kaijin Japanese - Indonesia Dictionary sangat cocok digunakan oleh para tenaga kerja indonesia yang ingin bekerja di Jepang ataupun pelajar dan mahasiswa yang akan meneruskan belajarnya di jepang.

Bagi yang tertarik silahkan download link dibawah ini

Password mf :
To download Kamus Kaijin Japanese - Indonesia Dictionary Full Version

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Free Download Macromedia Flash Portable Full Version

Macromedia Flash adalah sebuah program grafis dan animasi untuk berkreasi membuat animasi web interkatif, film animasi kartun, presentasi bisnis atau kegiatan, company/organization profile dan game flash yang menarik. Oleh karena itulah, maka pada program Macromedia Flash ini disediakan berbagai fasilitas serta kemampuan penunjang lainnya yang berfungsi sebagai sarana untuk berkreasi guna melahirkan ide-ide yang tersimpan didalam pikiran kita. Dengan begitu, terbukalah jalan untuk menyalurkan ide-ide cemerlang yang kita miliki untuk mewujudkan karya – karya kita.
Maromedia Flash, sebagai program multimedia dan animasi, mempunyai beberapa kelebihan dibandingkan dengan program animasi lainnya, yaitu:
  1. Seorang pemula yang masih awam terhadap dunia desain dan animasi dapat dengan mudah mempelajari dan memahami macromedia flash tanpaharus dibekali dasar pengetahuan yang tinggi tentang bidang tersebut.
  2. Pengguna program Macromedia Flash dapat dengan mudah dan bebas dalam berkreasi membuat animasi dengan gerakan luwes(bebas)sesuai dengan alur adegan animasi yang diinginkan.
  3. Macromedia flash ini dapat menghasilkan file dengan ukuran kecil. Hal ini dikarenakan, flash menggunakan animasi dengan berbasis vector dan juga ukuran file flash yang kecil berdampak tidak dibutuhkannya waktu loading yang lama untuk membuka halaman web tersebut.
  4. Macromedia Flash menghasilkan file bertipe (ekstensi).FLA yang bersifat fleksibel karena dapat mengkonersikan memjadi file berekstensi .swf, .html, .gif, .jpg, .png, .exe, .mov. Hal ini memungkinkan penggunaan program Macromedia Flash ini untuk berbagai keperluan yang kita inginkan.

To Download Macromedia Flash Portable Full Version

Download Resetter Canon MP 258 + Cara Reset

Bagi temen - temen yang mempunyai printer canon MP 258 yang sedang eror atau rusak, jangan keburu dibawa ke tukang servis, Sebaiknya dilihat dulu kerusakanya apa.

Untuk printer canon MP 258 setelah mencetak kira -kira 2000 halaman maka memori akan penuh dan harus dseting ulang dengan menggunakan software Reseter.

Dibawah ini saya sediakan software resetter Canon MP 258 beserta cara meresetnya dalam bentuk e-book.
Bagi yang membutuhkan silahkan download

Password rar : sokpaten-A26
To Download Resetter Canon MP 258 + Cara Reset

Free Download Virtual Dj Pro Versi 7.0 Terbaru 2012 + Crack + SN

Bagi temen - temen yang bercita-cita untuk jadi seorang DJ tapi terbentur oleh masalah keuangan??? Jangan pesimis dulu sob, masih banyak jalan menuju Roma kalau kata pepatah. Disini saya akan share aplikasi Virtual DJ v7 Pro Full Crack gratis yang bisa sobat blogger gunakan dalam berlatih bermain DJ.

Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bersama, Virtual DJ merupakan aplikasi DJ virtual yang memungkinkan kita untuk mencoba bermain layaknya kita seorang DJ dengan menggunakan sebuah PC/Notebook.

Tuh saya juga udah sediain crack serial numbernya jadi sobat - sobat semua tinggal menginstalnya dan memainkannya deh...
To download Virtual Dj Pro Versi 7.0 Terbaru 2012 + Crack + SN Click link dibawah ini

Monday, September 24, 2012

Free Download Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader 2.3.0

Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader is A Free Tool to Instantly Download YouTube Videos and Watch Them Offline Anywhere. Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader automatically detects any YouTube video playing on IE, Firefox or Chrome while you surf the web.

Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader automatically detects any YouTube video playing on IE, Firefox or Chrome while you surf the web. To download, either click the Download Button on the top of the video or copy and paste URLsthe to get multiple videos off the web at once. It is pretty simple to get what you want. Additionally, the Library is a good place to manage both MP4 and FLV videos. Double-click a video in the Library and enjoy!

Main Features :
  1. Totally Free to download any YouTube video.
  2. Automatically detects YouTube videos in IE, Firefox and Chrome.
  3. Downloads YouTube videos in batch, saving time.
  4. Built-in video player plays MP4 and FLV videos.
  5. Play & Share Video on Facebook & Twitter
  6. Manage Downloaded & Existing Videos

Requirements :
Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

To Download Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader 2.3.0

Free Download VMware Workstation 9.0.0

 VMware Workstation: Run Multiple OS Including Linux , Windows 8 | 7 and more on Virtual Machines. VMware Workstation is recognized for its broad operating system support, rich user experience, comprehensive feature set, and high performance. It's the perfect companion for any technical professional that wants to save significant time with a tool that is backed by world-class support.

Put the Cloud in Your PC
Run a full web or cloud environment on your PC, including VMware Micro Cloud Foundry. Run as a server to share virtual machines with your team, department, or anyone in your organization. Remotely connect to virtual machines running on VMware vSphere. Simply drag and drop to move virtual machines to a VMware vSphere server. Run, share, connect, or move virtual machines, it’s a whole new way to work.

Take Your Productivity to the Next Level
Run applications in Linux, Windows, and more at the same time on the same PC without rebooting. Evaluate and test new operating systems, applications and patches in an isolated environment. Demonstrate complex software applications on a single laptop in a repeatable, reliable manner. Rich integration with Visual Studio, Eclipse, and the SpringSource Tool Suite make it incredibly easy to test applications on multiple platforms.

Run Your Most Demanding Applications
Create virtual machines with up to 8 virtual processors or 8 virtual cores, 2 TB virtual disks and up to 64 GB of memory per virtual machine to run the most demanding applications. Protect your virtual machines from prying eyes with 256-bit AES encryption and smart card authentication.

Best 3D Graphics Just Got Better
VMware Workstation was the first to support 3D graphics in virtualized environments and was the first to support Windows Aero in Windows Vista and Windows 7 virtual machines. Run even more 3D applications with support for DirectX 9.0c Shader Model 3 and OpenGL 2.13D graphics in Windows virtual machines.

What's New in VMware Workstation 9 !
VMware Workstation 9 continues VMware’s tradition of delivering the virtual hardware that technical professionals deserve and rely on every day. With support for Windows 8, restricted VMs, Open GL support for Linux and a new web interface to access virtual machines, it’s the perfect tool for getting work done.

Best in Class Windows 8 Support
  • To help you and your organization evaluate Windows 8, master the Metro UI and test your applications, VMware Workstation 9 is optimized for running Windows 8 virtual machines and running on Windows 8 PCs. Easy Install simplifies the task of creating Windows 8 virtual machines, Unity mode will intelligently scale windows with Metro applications and multi-touch support will ensure you get the true Windows 8 experience in a virtual machine.
Access from Almost any Device
  • Workstation’s new web interface allows you to access your virtual machines running in Workstation or vSphere on a tablet, smart phone, PC or any device with a modern browser. No plugins necessary. Now you can power on, off, or suspend your virtual machines and interact with them from almost anywhere.
Set It and Send It
  • Create virtual machines that are encrypted, block USB devices, require a runtime password, and another password to change virtual machine settings. Once set, send the virtual machine to anyone to run on their Mac, Windows, or Linux machines by using VMware Fusion Professional.
From PC to Datacenter and Back Again
  • In Workstation 8 we introduced the ability to upload a virtual machine from your PC to vSphere. Workstation 9 takes the next step and allows you to drag and drop a virtual machines form vSphere to your PC. It’s the easiest way to move virtual machines between your PC and your internal cloud.
Better 3D Graphics
  • With faster 3D graphics and support for DirectX 9.0c Shader Model 3 and OpenGL 2.1 3D graphics in a Windows and now Linux virtual machine, VMware Workstation easily handles demanding 3D applications like AutoCAD, Solidworks, and many current games.
To download VMware Workstation 9.0.0

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Free Download Lion Skin Pack 13.0 For Windows 7

Lion Skin Pack is a transformation skins , themes and more from Windows 7 to Mac OS X . In this package, you'll have Mac OS X inspired themes and applications to make your system resembles Mac OS X as much as possible without modifying system files.

Some Features :
  1. New Theme
  2. New Wallpaper
  3. New Brand
  4. New Logo
  5. New Start button
  6. New Shell style
  7. New Boot screen
  8. New Installer
  9. Add Mosaic
  10. x64/x86 support

To download Lion Skin Pack 13.0 For Windows 7 (32 bit)

To download Lion Skin Pack 13.0 For Windows 7 (64 bit)

Download Album NOAH " Seperti Seharusnya" Full Album 2012

Akhirnya nama baru dari Peterpan dipublikasikan juga ke khalayak umum. Nama baru Peterpan ini yaitu Noah Band yang cukup simple didengar dan diucapkan. Nama Noah Band ini juga sekaligus menepis anggapan tentang nama baru Perterpan yang belakangan ini beredar yaitu Feather Band dan New Peterpan. 
Berikut kami berikan lagu 10 lagu NOAH dalam album " SEPERTI SEHARUSNYA"  yang siap didownload.
Bagi yang sedang mencari lagu lagu Noah silahkan klik link dibawah ini

Download lagu NOAH album " Seperti Seharusnya "

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Free Download K-Lite Codec Pack 9.3.0 Terbaru

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. 
The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files. 
With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even several less common formats.

The K-Lite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs:
  • It is updated frequently. So it is always up-to-date with the newest and/or best components.
  • All components have been carefully selected for specific purposes. It is not just a random bunch of stuff thrown together.
  • It is very user-friendly and easy to use.
  • Works great with Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center. But also with all other DirectShow players, such as Media Player Classic, BS.Player, ZoomPlayer, and others.
  • The installation is fully customizable, meaning that you are able to install just those components that you really want.
  • The pack has many options, which allows you to tweak it to your own specific needs and preferences.
  • Uninstallation removes everything that was installed by the pack. Including all registry keys. All changes are properly undone.
  • It is extremely easy to make a fully customized unattended installation with the integrated wizard.
  • It does not contain any codecs or filters that are known to be bad, buggy or unstable. In fact, the installer is able to detect and disable several known troublemakers.
  • It tries to avoid potential conflicts with other codecs installed on your computer. The installer is able to detect and remove over 100 different codec and filter packs.
  • The installer is able to detect broken codecs and filters on your system, and helps you to remove them.
  • It is a very complete package, containing everything you need to play your movies.
  • The pack has options to activate thumbnail generation in Windows Explorer for several popular video file formats, which are by default not thumbnailed in Explorer.
  • The pack automatically configures Media Center to recognize all common audio and video file formats, so that such files show up in your media library.
  • This pack has a huge user base. This means that problems are found and resolved quickly.
  • There are different variants of the pack. From very small to large.
  • The pack is suitable for both novice and expert users.
Requirements :
Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

To download K-Lite Codec Pack 9.3.0 Terbaru 
  •  K-Lite Codec Pack 9.3.0 Terbaru ( 32 bit )----DOWNLOAD
  •  K-Lite Codec Pack 9.3.0 Terbaru ( 64 bit )----DOWNLOAD

Free Download Adobe Air Full Version Terbaru

Adobe Integrated Runtime atau AIR, adalah lingkungan waktu larian (runtime environment) antar-platform untuk membangun aplikasi Internet kaya (RIA, rich Internet applications) menggunakan Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, HTML, dan AJAX, yang dapat dipasang sebagai aplikasi destop. Adobe mengeluarkan rilis pratayang publik AIR (disebut Apollo [1]) yang disertai dengan kit pengembangan aplikasi (SDK, software development kit) dan ekstensi untuk pengembangan aplikasi Apollo dengan kerangka kerja Flex pada 19 Maret 2007.

Pada 10 Juni 2007, nama Apollo diganti dengan AIR, dan rilis beta publiknya diluncurkan. Beta publik versi 2 SDK AIR dirilis pada 1 Oktober 2007, beta publik 3 pada 12 Desember 2007, dan akhirnya versi 1.0 pada 25 Februari 2008 [2][3]. Versi alfa untuk Linux dirilis pada tanggal 31 Maret 2008 [4].

System Requitment Adobe Air (Windows)

  1. 2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible processor or Intel® Atom™ 1.6GHz or faster processor for netbooks
  2. Microsoft® Windows® XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 3; Windows Server® 2003; Windows Server® 2008; Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (including 64-bit editions) with Service Pack 2; or Windows 7
  3. 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)

To Download Adobe Air Full Version Terbaru

Free Download Software Soal CPNS GRATIS Terbaru

Kali saya akan berbagi tips khususnya untuk para calon PNS yang mau ikutan test CPNS, saya bawa kabar terbaru sekaligus menggembirakan, ternyata saya baru tahu kalau ada sebuah software untuk test ujinan cpns atau soal soal cpns yang di kemas kedalam sebuah software. (Gak tau basi atau tidak) heheh ...

Jika biasanya soal soal rangkuman cpns yang beredar di internet itu berbentuk sebuah ebook, pdf atau juga berupa file txt, tapi yang ini berupa software yang lebih mudah dan praktis untuk anda jajal kemampuan dalam menjawab soal soal cpns tersebut. Jadi jangan tunggu lama lagi segera coba software yang dikeluarkan oleh ini. Saya dapat dari iseng-iseng saat browsing di Internet. Baiklah soba langsung saja di donwload software cpns ini.

Semoga dengan software cpns tersebut sobat-sobat dapat diterima menjadi PNS dan semoga juga tidak melupakan jasa website ini heheh .... Amien.

Daftar Alamat Website Pemerintah RI beserta lembaga-lembaga dan provinsi di indonesia. Sangat berguna bagi anda yang ingin mencari informasi-informasi tentang CPNS, Pemerintah, Departemen, Kementrian, Lembaga Negara, Non Departemen dan Provinsi-porvinsi di indonesia 
To Download Software Soal CPNS GRATIS Terbaru

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Free Download Game online Allegiance

Allegiance is a multiplayer online game providing a mix of real-time strategy and player piloted space combat gameplay. Initially developed by Microsoft Research, the game was later released under a shared source license in 2004[1] and is now maintained and developed by volunteers.[2]
The story in which the game is set takes place circa 2150, shortly after the destruction of Earth by an asteroid.[3][4] This cataclysm forced the remnants of humanity to the stars in search of new land and resources.
Humanity quickly fractures into four main factions:
  1. The militaristic Iron Coalition, descendants of a United Nations-sanctioned peacekeeping force.[5]
  2. GigaCorp, a transplanetary corporation bent on controlling all natural resources.[6]
  3. Belters, a motley collection of traders, freedom fighters and pirates.
  4. and the Bios, a mysterious off shoot of genetically engineered humans with their own agenda for "stalegenes".

In the midst of the ensuing civil war, humans discover the alien Rixian Unity. An ancient and advanced race, the Rixians seek to "enlighten" heathen races (such as the human race) and convert them to their religion.[7]

Allegiance was first released for multiplayer on the Microsoft Zone under the name Allegiance Zone[8] . This was a paid subscription service but free play was available on the Free Zone (which had fewer features). The game never achieved commercial success however, selling a mere 29000 units in the first year of release[9] and the official servers closed in 2002. During its brief retail life Allegiance had drawn a dedicated following that continued to play beyond Microsoft's discontinuation of support for Allegiance. Players created their own utilities to enable them to connect to LAN-hosted game servers and continued to play.

To download Game online Allegiance

Free Download Game Crash Team Racing ( CTR ) For PC

 Game Crash Team Racing ini sebenarnya adalah game PS1 namun game ini masih sangat asyik untuk dimainkan.
Game Crash Team Racing bukan sekedar game lama melainkan game ini juga sangat populer karena rata-rata sahabat haramain software pasti sudah tau game ini. Game Crash team racing atau CTR yang saya bagikan ini adalah game untuk PC yang bisa sobat mainkan dengan Stick juga atau langsung menggunakan keyboard.
Game Crash Team Racing menurut saya adalah game yang menarik dan seru untuk dimainkan  Bagi yang tertarik silahkan download pada link dibawah

Cara Save permainan CTR agar bisa melanjutkan petualangan ( Adventure ) kapan saja :

  • buka notepad --> file --> save as
  • ganti .txt dengan All Files lalu isikan nama
  • Save di folder CTR atau dimana saja yang penting jangan sampai hilang atau di copet. he he..
  • Buka CTR ---> Archivo ---> configuracion ---> Tarjetas memory, lalu klik ... di kotak yang pertama, lalu cari file tadi. klo udah ketemu klik open
  • lalu coba ngesave pasti kluar tulisan "There is no memory card" press /\ ( segutiga pada stik ) to cancel press O ( bulat pada stik ) to FORMAT
  • kamu tekan "S" karena klo di keyboard tombol O ( bulat pada stik ) itu S. kalau sudah akan muncul 4 slot buat ngesave
  • klik X pada keyboard kemudian pada adventure pilih new dan pilih tempat ngesavenya.
  • NB : Setiap kali maen CTR cara yang ke 4 diulangi. Untuk memasukan/menarik data memory yg ada di
 To download Game Crash Team Racing ( CTR ) For PC

Friday, September 21, 2012

Free Download NVIDIA GeForce Driver 306.23 For Win Xp / Vista / 7 / 8

NVIDIA GeForce Driver - Automatically scan your PC or search the driver database for compatible GPU drivers. Download the latest NVIDIA GeForce Driver to enhance your pc gaming experience and run apps faster.
This driver package supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs as well as ION desktop GPUs. This driver package also includes the 3D Vision Controller driver.
Supported Products

ION (Desktops)
  • ION
ION LE (Desktops)
  • ION LE
GeForce 500 Series
  • GeForce GTX 590, GeForce GTX 580, GeForce GTX 570, GeForce GTX 560 Ti, GeForce GTX 560, GeForce GTX 550 Ti, GeForce GT 545, GeForce GT 530, GeForce GT 520
GeForce 400 Series
  • GeForce GTX 480, GeForce GTX 470, GeForce GTX 465, GeForce GTX 460 SE v2, GeForce GTX 460 SE, GeForce GTX 460 v2, GeForce GTX 460, GeForce GTS 450, GeForce GT 440, GeForce GT 430, GeForce GT 420, GeForce 405
GeForce 300 Series
  • GeForce GT 340, GeForce GT 330, GeForce GT 320, GeForce 315, GeForce 310
GeForce 200 Series
  • GeForce GTX 295, GeForce GTX 285, GeForce GTX 280, GeForce GTX 275, GeForce GTX 260, GeForce GTS 250, GeForce GTS 240, GeForce GT 230, GeForce GT 240, GeForce GT 220, GeForce G210, GeForce 210, GeForce 205
GeForce 100 Series
  • GeForce GT 140, GeForce GT 130, GeForce GT 120, GeForce G100
GeForce 9 Series
  • GeForce 9800 GX2, GeForce 9800 GTX/GTX+, GeForce 9800 GT, GeForce 9600 GT, GeForce 9600 GSO, GeForce 9600 GSO 512, GeForce 9600 GS, GeForce 9500 GT, GeForce 9500 GS, GeForce 9400 GT, GeForce 9400, GeForce 9300 GS, GeForce 9300 GE, GeForce 9300 SE, GeForce 9300, GeForce 9200, GeForce 9100
GeForce 8 Series
  • GeForce 8800 Ultra, GeForce 8800 GTX, GeForce 8800 GTS 512, GeForce 8800 GTS, GeForce 8800 GT, GeForce 8800 GS, GeForce 8600 GTS, GeForce 8600 GT, GeForce 8600 GS, GeForce 8500 GT, GeForce 8400 GS, GeForce 8400 SE, GeForce 8400, GeForce 8300 GS, GeForce 8300, GeForce 8200, GeForce 8200 /nForce 730a, GeForce 8100 /nForce 720a
GeForce 7 Series
  • GeForce 7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a, GeForce 7050 PV / NVIDIA nForce 630a, GeForce 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 610i, GeForce 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 630i, GeForce 7100 / NVIDIA nForce 630i, GeForce 7100 / NVIDIA nForce 620i, GeForce 7100 GS, GeForce 7150 / NVIDIA nForce 630i, GeForce 7300 SE / 7200 GS, GeForce 7300 LE, GeForce 7300 GS, GeForce 7300 GT, GeForce 7350 LE, GeForce 7500 LE, GeForce 7550 LE, GeForce 7600 LE, GeForce 7600 GS, GeForce 7600 GT, GeForce 7650 GS, GeForce 7800 GS, GeForce 7800 GTX, GeForce 7800 SLI, GeForce 7900 GS, GeForce 7900 GT/GTO, GeForce 7900 GTX, GeForce 7950 GT, GeForce 7950 GX2
GeForce 6 Series
  • GeForce 6100, GeForce 6100 nForce 400, GeForce 6100 nForce 405, GeForce 6100 nForce 420, GeForce 6150, GeForce 6150 LE, GeForce 6150LE / Quadro NVS 210S, GeForce 6150SE nForce 430, GeForce 6200, GeForce 6200 A-LE, GeForce 6200 LE, GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM), GeForce 6200SE TurboCache(TM), GeForce 6250, GeForce 6500, GeForce 6600, GeForce 6600 GT, GeForce 6600 LE, GeForce 6600 VE, GeForce 6610 XL, GeForce 6700 XL, GeForce 6800, GeForce 6800 GS, GeForce 6800 GS/XT, GeForce 6800 GT, GeForce 6800 LE, GeForce 6800 Ultra, GeForce 6800 XE, GeForce 6800 XT 
To download NVIDIA GeForce Driver 306.23 For Win Xp 

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Free Download Adobe After Effect CS5 + Keygen

Adobe After Effect CS5 delivers more of the creative control you crave, while making it faster to work on high-resolution projects. Native 64-bit support means you can tap all the RAM on your system to work more efficiently with HD, 2K, and 4K projects. The new Roto Brush tool delivers rotoscoping results in a fraction of the time. Plus, dozens of user-requested features make everyday tasks easier. Whether you’re working in broadcast and film or delivering work online and to mobile devices, Adobe After Effects CS5 software enables you to create groundbreaking motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects

  1. Animate and composite flexibly in 2D and 3D
  2. Create and animate text and vector graphics
  3. Choose among extensive visual effects
  4. Fluidly key, mask, rotoscope, and paint composites
  5. Take control of motion and keyframes
  6. Work with pristine color
  7. Use creative building blocks
  8. Automate with scripting
  9. Work with 32-bit audio
  10. Gain professional results for every media type
  11. Integrate seamlessly with Adobe Creative Suite
  12. Leverage outstanding performance
  13. Paint and clone with nondestructive vector brushes
  14. Save time with efficient tools and a customizable interface
Requirements :
  1. P4 or Athlon 64
  2. Vista/ SP1/ 7 (Only 64 bit) of Windows Operating System
  3. 2GB of RAM
  4. 256 MB of VGA External or 1 GB of VGA Internal
  5. 3GB of Free HDD Space
  6. 1280x800 Displayr 
 To Download Adobe After Effect CS5 setup

 To Download Keygen Adobe After Effect CS5

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Free Download Microsoft office 2013+SN/Crack/Activator+Activation Key

Kali ini saya posting tentang Microsoft office 2013+SN/Crack/Activator+Activation Key setelah sebelumnya juga pernah posting tentang Microsoft office 2013.

Tapi untuk kali ini dlengkapi dengan serial number / Crack / Actvator key sehingga Microsoft office 2013 menjadi aktif.

Bagi yang tertarik langsung aja download dengan click link di bawah ini
 Microsoft office 2013 (32 bit)

 Microsoft office 2013 (64 bit)

Activation key-03

Alternatif link :
1. Serial Key 1 ==> DOWNLOAD
2. Serial Key 2 ==> DOWNLOAD
3. Serial Key 3 ==> DOWNLOAD
4. Serial Key 4 ==> DOWNLOAD

 atau download keymaker office 2013 disini
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Free Download Magix Movie Edit Pro 17 Full Version+Patch

Magix movie Edit Pro 17 Full Version+Patch adalah sebuah sofware yang digunakan dalam hal editing video yang dapat mempermudah pembuatan sebuah vidio yang disertai efek-efek menarik sehingga layaknya sebuah video profesional.
 Magix movie Edit Pro 17 ini dapat membantu anda mengubah sebuah vidio rekaman menjadi sebuah film yang berkuailtas tinggi.
Dengan sofware ini anda dapat mengelola vidio yang bersumber dari webcam, kamera digital ataupun kamera henpone MAGIX MOVIE PRO mendapatkan 75 penghargaan sebagai vidio editing terbaik dengan menawarkan fitur-fitur powerfull editing tool
With digital video cameras becoming increasingly popular, there's a growing demand for user-friendly video editing software that can handle footage from a variety of sources.
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro is one of those apps. It allows you to import videos from DV cameras, HDV cameras and video tapes, as well as use video files stored on your local computer and record video directly from your PC. This offers exciting new possibilities to create your own video slideshows with your own menus and extras.
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro includes not only a full featured video editing tool, but also specific utilities to add titles to your movie, spice it up with filters and effects, and also create the perfect complementary soundtrack.
While the program makes maximum use of processing power while cutting, recalculating and arranging video files, it still requires a pretty powerful system for a smooth, seamless experience. Also, if this is the first time you use a video editor, I'd strongly advise you to take a look at the Help menu: MAGIX Movie Edit Pro may seem a bit overwhelming, but luckily it's also very well documented.
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro is an excellent video editor that includes all the necessary tools to handle HD video, titles, video effects and sound.

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Free Download Mac OS X 10.5.6 combo update

Mac OS X 10.5.6 Combo Update is Apple's recommended update for all users running Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.0. Mac OS X 10.5.0 includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac. It is recommended for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard versions 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3, 10.5.4 and 10.5.5. There are many improvements and fixes in this update including to Address Book, AirPort, Client management, iChat, Graphics, Mail, MobileMe, Networking, Printing, Parental Controls, Time Machine, Safari and other generaL fixes and improvements
What's new in this update?

Address Book
  • Improves reliability of Address Book syncing with iPhone and other devices and applications.

  • Improves the reliability of AirPort connections, including improvements when roaming in large wireless networks with an Intel-based Mac.

Client management
  • Improves reliability of synchronizing files on a portable home directory.
  • Fixes an issue in Mac OS X 10.5.4 and 10.5.5 in which managed users may not see printers that use the Generic PPD.
  • Client computers that use UUID-based ByHost preferences now respect managed Screen Saver settings.

  • Addresses an issue that could cause an encryption alert to appear in the chat window.
  • Setting your iChat status to "invisible" via AppleScript no longer logs you out of iChat.
  • Resolves an issue in which pasting text from a Microsoft Office document could insert an image rather than text.

  • Includes general improvements to gaming performance.
  • Includes graphics improvements for iChat, Cover Flow, Aperture, and iTunes.
  • Includes fixes for possible graphics distortion issues with certain ATI graphics cards.

  • Includes overall performance and reliability fixes.
  • Improves Connection Doctor accuracy.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause messages identified as junk to remain in the inbox.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause Mail to append a character to the file extension of an attachment.
  • Addresses an issue that could prevent Mail from quitting.
  • Improves reliability when printing PDF attachments.

  • Contacts, calendars, and bookmarks on a Mac automatically sync within a minute of the change being made on the computer, another device, or the web at

  • Improves Apple File Service performance, especially when using a home directory hosted on an AFP server. Important: If you are using Mac OS X 10.5.6 (client) to connect to a Mac OS X Server 10.4-based server, it is strongly recommended that you update the server to Mac OS X Server version 10.4.11.
  • Improves the performance and reliability of TCP connections.
  • Improves reliability and performance for AT&T 3G cards.
  • Updates the ssh Terminal command for compatibility with more ssh servers.

  • Improves printing for the Adobe CS3 application suite.
  • Improves printing for USB-based Brother and Canon printers.

Parental Controls
  • Addresses an issue in which a parentally-controlled account could be unable to access the iTunes Store.
  • Includes general fixes for time limits.
  • Resolves an issue that prevented adding allowed websites from Safari via drag and drop.

Time Machine
  • Fixes issues that could cause Time Machine to state the backup volume could not be found.
  • Improves Time Machine reliability with Time Capsule.

  • Improves compatibility with web proxy servers.

  • Includes Mac OS X security improvements. See this website for more information.
  • Addresses inaccuracies with Calculator when the Mac OS X language is set to German or Swiss German.
  • Improves the performance and reliability of Chess.
  • Improves DVD Player performance and reliability.
  • Performance improvements for iCal are included.
  • Fixes an issue when running the New iCal Events Automator action as an applet.
  • Adds a Trackpad System Preference pane for portable Macs.
  • Improves compatibility with smart cards such as the U.S. Department of Defense Common Access Card.
  • Updates time zone data and Daylight Saving Time rules for several countries.
 To Download Mac OS X 10.5.6 combo update
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