Friday, February 22, 2013

Free Download Windows 8 Codecs 1.4.4

The Windows 8 Codecs offered here do not change or interfere with the support Microsoft has provided concerning native codec support in Windows Media Player 12 and Media Center. Alternative hardware accelerated (DXVA) H264 codecs are also provided by the codec installation for use by all players.

The following filetypes are enabled and SUPPORTED by the installation of the Windows 8 Codecs.amr | mpc | ofr | divx | mka | ape | flac | evo | flv | m4b | mkv | ogg | ogv | ogm | rmvb | xvidAll of the above filetypes can be queued to the Windows Media Player Playlist using a right-click.

All of the above filetypes can be queued to the Windows Media Player Playlist using a right-click.
Concerning S/PDIF, digital, optical and HDMI: The administrator and a regular user are different users and each must setup the Audio TAB for FFDshow pass-through. At no time should anyone have a need to click the leftside of the Audio TAB manually; it uses system detection.

The codec packs contains a Settings Application to use in conjunction with your windows media center setup which will enable each user to choose different splitters and decoders for specific filetypes. The application will also allow you to choose from 10 different speaker configurations from 'same as input' and all the way up to full 7.1 channel output.
To Download Windows 8 Codecs 1.4.4

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Free Download Avast Free Antivirus 8.0.1479 RC 2013

Avast! Free Antivirus with more than 150 millions users is one of the most popular and powerful anti-virus programs in the World today! The Home Edition is absolutely free for personal and non-commercial use, and is packed with many useful new features

Avast! Free Antivirus is perfect for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites. But if you store sensitive data on your computer, shop or bank on-line, we recommend the comprehensive protection in avast! Internet Security.

Shop and bank online with total privacy
Avast! SafeZone opens a new (clean) desktop so that other programs don't see what's happening and it leaves no history once it's closed.

Worry-free social networking and web surfing
Our award-winning and certified antivirus engine and shields stop even previously unknown threats for peace of mind when you chat or spend time on Facebook, Twitter, or other websites.

Prevent identity theft
Our silent firewall stops hackers and other unauthorized entry attempts to your PC, to keep your data where it belongs safe and sound.

Keep your email inbox safe and clean
Internet Security's antispam feature blocks both spam and sophisticated Å“phishing attempts, to keep you from clicking Å“harmless links that really can cause damage.

To Download Avast Free Antivirus 8.0.1479 RC 2013

Free Download MyKeyFinder 2013 free Gratis

Lost a serial number? MyKeyFinder finds them for you. Did you forget to write down a serial number or did you simply loose the paper where you wrote it down? MyKeyFinder can help you and brings you back all your serials. Did you forget to write down a serial number or did you simply loose the paper where you wrote it down? MyKeyFinder can help you. MyKeyFinder ananyzes your PC and brings you back all your serial numbers with just a single mouse click. MyKeyFinder can do this work for you and shows you all serials in a nice overview. * Serial numbers restored: Directly after the start, MyKeyFinder starts its path towards your PC and scans certain areas of the windows registry. After 1-2 minutes, it shows you all serial numbers in a clean list. * Various export options: Need to print your serial numbers? MyKeyFinder can export the results to PDF and you can also print them or even copy them to your clipboard. * No duplicates: Serial numbers may be stored on different locations and may even be available multiple times. MyKeyFinder contains a filter and will remove all invalid numbers and all duplicate entries so that you don't have to worry about it. The new version of MyKeyFinder contains white and blacklist for result improvement. You can easily add items to the black list to prevent false positives. So you can minimize wrong entries in the results. If MyKeyFinder does not found one entry, you can add it to the white list and MyKeyFinder will search for it next time. The Plus version contains regular signature updates for this list.
To Download MyKeyFinder 2013 free Gratis
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Free Download priPrinter Professional 5.1 Full Version

priPrinter adalah software printer virtual yang sekaligus juga bisa dipergunakan untuk memanipulasi output printer.
Yang dimaksud memanipulasi output printer, yakni kita bisa mengubah file yang bakal di print nantinya, misalkan mengatur orientasi halaman, mengatur halaman agar tampak seperti buku, menjadikan tulisan dari satu sisi ke halaman bolak balik, mengubah warna halaman, menyisipkan dokumen, menambahkan watermark, bahkan mengkonversinya ke PDF.
Bagi yang tertarik dan pengin mencoba software priPrinter ini silahkan klik link downloadnya dibawah ini.

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Free Download Smadav Pro 9.2.1 2013 + Keygen

Langsung saja bagi temen - temen yang membutuhkan antivirus lokal buatan anak negeri, Smadav Rev Pro 9.2.1 serta serial numbernya agar bisa menjadi Smadav Pro  silahkan klik link downloadnya dibawah ini

Download Smadav Pro 9.2.1 2013

Download keygen  Smadav Pro 9.2.1 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Manfaat Jeruk Nipis Untuk Kesehatan

Tentunya kita sudah tidak asing lagi dengan yang namanya jeruk nipis. Selain sering digunakan untuk salah satu bumbu masakan,ternyata buah yang satu ini banyak manfaatnta terutama untuk kesehatan kita.
Dan di bawah ini adalah 8 manfaat yang terkandung dalam jeruk nipis dan khasiatnya;

1. Belahlah jeruk nipis menjadi 2 bagian dan gosokkan pada kulit muka dan kulit tubuh, maka kulit tersebut menjadi putih halus dan tangan bisa menjadi lembut.

2. Jika jeruk nipis dicampur dengan air hangat dan diminum setiap pagi, membuat suara anda menjadi merdu disamping membuat kesehatan kulit anda baik sekali.

3. Bisa membuat pori-pori kulit mengecil dan melenyapkan lemak pada kulit berminyak.

4. Menjaga berat badan anda dan menjamin kestabilan kerampingan badan.

5. Jika menginginkan rambut berkilauan, cucilah rambut anda dengan campuran perasan jeruk nipis, maka rambut menjadi halus dan berkilau.

6. Membuat kuku menjadi cemerlang kembali jika perasan jeruk nipis tersebut digosok-gosokkan, terutama jika ada noda yang tidak bisa di hilangkan.

7. Membasmi ketombe dikepala, gunakanlah perasan air jeruk nipis untuk mencacap dan biarkan 20-30 menit dan setelah itu keramaslah, maka kepala tidak berketombe lagi.

8. Melenyapkan gatal-gatal ditenggorokan dan menyembuhkan batuk pilek, gunakan air jeruk nipis dan sedikit kapur sirih.